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Shift-left Application Design powered by Generative AI

Redefine your application lifecycle with Purgo AI's quality-centric approach

Generative Design Specs
Prompt-less Code Generation
Zero-touch QA and Cloud Migration
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Purgo AI's Generative AI Based Design Cycle

Solutions: New Applications | New Feature Implementation | Code Migration
Behavior-driven Design Specs

Reason over high-level user stories and feature requests in platforms like Jira to generate formal behavior-driven design(BDD) specifications based on Purgo LLM's internal domain knowledge

Prompt-less Code Generation

Trigger Code Generation directly from user stories (e.g. Jira) based on formal design specifications displacing human-crafted text prompts

Zero-touch QA

Generate test harnesses from design specifications and test generated/developed code. Log test failures and re-prompt code generation LLMs with failures detected

Purgo AI Early-Access Program for Data Applications

Join our early-access program now to design and launch business-critical data applications on all leading cloud data warehouses

Designing new ETL/ELT workflows from business requirements documents (BRDs) or generating modifications in ETL/ELT based on new user requirements or bugs presented to Purgo AI.

LLM-Based Zero-Touch QA

Generating model lifecycle designs including training, model analytics, selection and serving for frameworks like MLFlow from high-level business requirements in forecasting anomaly detection and pattern recognition

Migration to Cloud

Generating design specifications from legacy SQL code and transforming it into modular high level program(e.g. Python) applications over cloud data warehouses

Jira and Github Integration

Databricks Integration

Scanning and Migration

Co-founder and CTO

Sang Kim

"With over 25 years of extensive experience, I specialize in delivering enterprise-grade applications and platforms tailored for business-critical functions within large corporations. My previous leadership roles encompassed spearheading initiatives at VMware End User Computing, overseeing areas such as Device Management, Productivity Apps, and Virtual Desktop applications. Prior to this, I played a pivotal role in driving innovation and excellence in BlackBerry Enterprise's flagship applications and enterprise security platforms."

Our Mission

At Purgo AI, we strive to revolutionize software testing and requirements engineering using cutting-edge generative AI technology. Our mission is to streamline the development of cloud-native applications, making the process seamless, error-free, and intuitive.